Home > Flight Training Blog > New to Flight Simulators? Here’s What You Need to Know

Flight SimulatorsWhen you start learning how to fly, you may spend a large portion of your time practicing on flight simulators. These simulators can help you develop procedural skills that will prove invaluable when you actually fly a plane. However, before you spend too much time on flight simulators, there are a few things you need to know about them. 

What to Fly 

One of the best parts about flight simulators is that you can fly almost any aircraft that has been used in real-world aviation. Although it’s possible to fly many types of planes, at Genesis Flight Centre, we will stick to planes that you will fly when you participate in one of our courses. 

Where to Fly 

From Antarctica to the southern tip of Africa, the entire world is available for you to fly over when you use a flight simulator. When you practice on our flight simulators, however, we will have you practice on flight plans that we’ve created that resemble what you might experience flying around Ontario.  This will help you get familiar with runway headings and procedures at the airports we actually fly to.

How Realistic are Flight Simulators?

Today, the flight simulators you can use are impressively realistic. We have flight simulators at both our Markham and Collingwood, ON locations, and welcome you to book in and experience them for yourself.

If you’d like to know more about flight simulators and how they work, contact us at Genesis Flight Centre. We’d be more than happy to answer any questions you might have.